
Exercises of penis help you to cure ED

Exercises of penis help you to cure ED

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  For office workers, the available time for exercise is small, not to mention that some people are fundamentally not interested. In fact, a little more exercise, can effectively reduce the risk of ED disease.

  Reduced anal exercise training the muscle of the penis. Whole body exercise can enhance muscle function all, of course, has the function to enhance the muscle of the penis, especially in jumping sports, such as weight training, basketball, rope skipping, trampoline springs, running . Those sports are all good exercise to cure ED.

  However, the easiest way to exercise the muscle of penis is to do the anal contraction exercise. It can be carried out on any occasion, and can effectively contribute to erectile muscle exercise. This approach not only can improve blood circulation of penis, but also the strength the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments.

Exercise can improve the sexuality of penis.

Do the exercise of follow:

1, lower abdominal friction: before going to sleep, put a hand on the lower abdomen below the belly button pubis, put one hand around his waist, and then hold down the back side, the next hand side of the abdomen from right to left slowly friction, until the conscious sense of the degree is warm.

2, thigh massage: before going to sleep, the hands placed on both sides of the thigh, gently massage the palm along the diagonal direction 36 times, you can massage once a week. It can enhance sexual desire, improve energy has a role.

3, strengthen the penile response to: morning erection, to the restroom before the penis from the front light pressure with your fingers 1 / 3, press down on the penis, so erect penis will be close to the state, and then attached to the penis with your fingertips, feel it's response, the closed side of the anus, pushed up the side of the penis. Repeat this action, about 1 minute.

4, friction rub testis: a hand rub, channeling the first nine with a right hand holding the two, so testis in the right palm, the left testicle is located in the thumb, index finger and middle finger rib surface, and then gently massage. 30-50 turn to the right, turn left 30. 50 times,  a little soreness to a sense of pain for the degree. Mount method can also be used for, that is, first with one hand tighten scrotum. Fixed outside the kidney, with the other palm disposal in the testicles, and then gently rubbing pill to heat for the degree.

