
Men and women often take a bath together guard against impotence and infertility

Men and women often take a bath together guard against impotence and infertility
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In a two-person shower comfort each other, when it comes to
concentration, dropped in to a water war can bring infinite pleasures
for women and men.Everyone knows Mandarin Duck bath often harmful to
health.First of all, easily lead to infertility.
As we all know, in the male testes in the scrotum, and scrotal
temperature under normal temperature to about 3 degrees lower than the
temperature.From the physiological terms, temperature below body
temperature conducive to the testis in the scrotum "production"
quality of sperm, and to ensure that there are enough healthy sperm
for fertilization.
United States Urology at the University of New York worker, discovered
in his early years a large number of infertility patients, scrotal
temperature is higher than the normal scrotal temperature of men, in
particular, or idiopathic infertility in varicocele men, testicular
temperature is higher than men with fertility.
They applied infrared thermometers, 35 have normal fertility man's
scrotum skin was measured and found temperature of 33.1-33.5 degrees,
and 50 men, varicocele was 34.2 to 34.6 degrees.
And testing of these higher scrotal temperature sperm count and sperm
of infertile men climb capability of results is also a surprise, their
sperm count and sperm run-up test significantly lower than normal
men.Then someone will ask, Mandarin Duck bath and infertility have any
coherent or sauna?
Mandarin Duck bath often is not only extremely coherent and fertility,
even might easily lead to infertility.Mandarin Duck bath like the
crowd, mostly young, full of energy of the people of this age, libido
strong, and most of the growth period, and some even are just married,
also some and his beloved couple, Mandarin Duck bath also have
extra-marital affairs people to.
If the men often wrapped testis in the scrotum temperature of hot
water, is bound to have greatly hurt sperm, because under the
influence of high temperature in the scrotum, testicle filling in a
lot of blood, then scrotal temperature will rise, after increased
scrotal temperature, upset the scrotal temperature balance, causing
lethal damage to sperm.
In addition, Mandarin Duck bath frequently easily lead to low male
sexual capacity.Sexual life is subject to central control of advanced
sex in the cerebral cortex, make love requires a lot of energy.In
order to protect the excitement, you will be with the reproductive
organs of men and women far more blood than usual, such as when the
male sex organ of erectile dysfunction, sponge in vivo blood
requirement of 20~25 times more than the normal state.
Mandarin Duck in bath in the hot water bath at this time, they were
under the influence of high temperature, large amounts of blood
accumulation inside the skin and inner organs in the provision on the
inevitable contradictions, if having sex again will cause a limited
phenomenon.Of course throws of incompetence may, seriously suffering
from the "impotence".
Recently, the United States released a Sexology Research Institute
report pointed out: the sexual life conducted correctly, and every
part of the human body blood supply has a great relationship.An adult,
blood in the body to 5000~5500 ml, average blood distribution in
various internal organs and tissues.If a certain organ work increased,
for which body will temporary increase blood volume.
The last point is, Mandarin Duck bath often like, easily lead to
cardiac death (SCD).In fact under the high temperature, sexual
activity, effects on the heart of truth, I don't want to say more,
already clearly illustrates this point.
Of course, before the sudden heart, there will be symptoms, such as
transient chest, chest pain, fatigue, mental confusion, this sense of
mental confusion often has a sudden sinking feeling down, or a sense
of huyou, time for three, five minutes passed quickly, naturally was
back to normal.These symptoms are all manifestations of cardiac
If a person in extreme fatigue or sexual life under high temperature,
will inevitably lead to cardiac insufficiency, or severe systemic
blood distribution imbalances, leading to sudden heart will greatly
increase the chances of.Therefore, experts suggest that you have
recently sex within 20 minutes after the hot water bath.

In fact, the topic, not alarmist, it is a very real topic, if you
cannot pay enough attention to, that may be affecting your health.

