
3 dangerous phase of Man "ED"

3 dangerous phase of Man "ED"      

"Women don't say 'literally', men can't say 'no'." Of course, this is a teaser, but the man behind is a metaphor for "not heave" fear. This "don't cite" is called on medicine, in erectile dysfunction (ED), by experts said that men develop ED the crisis of this life three main stages, such as can be smoothly through, you can continue to 70-year-olds will be even longer 80 years old.

Here the three crises, said mostly for psychological problems, to the exclusion organic disease treating ED. Chongqing light HuangShaoGuang hospital experts by means of rational ED pointed out that clinical 50% ~ 70%. But psychological problems cause erectile dysfunction occurs in three stages: the most exotic lack of sexual knowledge period and reduce period and sexuality decline period.

Married or lack of sexual knowledge before - periods

This stage, sexual knowledge relatively lack, easy in insecurity, fear, anxiety emotions condition of the early sexual activity, make sexual experience obstacles, such as erectile don't fully, ejaculation quick etc. Such subconscious it will store up potential of sexual activity, such as fear of failure, total worry not like she used to make normal reactions. Still, some men appeared to sex of some physiological phenomenon lack of knowledge from unnecessary worries. For instance a few men in sex for the first time appear after delay voiding signs, therefore, urethra sex increased body that disease, causing fear and anxiety, or even dared not to have sex. In fact, this is just a physiological phenomenon, have a rest can be restored.

Solution: women's concern is the medicine of impotence.

Get married a decade or so -- exotic reduce period

"Married more than ten years, to lie in the same bed, really kinda 'aesthetic fatigue'" -- the film, the mobile phone lines seem to "the classic" 10 years of marriage recognizes the itch ". Yes, ten years of elbow, bits and pieces of trivia, boring life, really makes exotic reduced.

Even so, not only human animal too. Sexuality is a famous ROM monkey trial, put two monkeys pass together, let them repeatedly mating, after a considerable period of time, the male monkeys and mother monkey lost enthusiasm, in turn, hope to find new mother monkey, this is "aesthetical fatigue" produces important reasons. After marriage for home for children due to his wife, wearing ZouXing, skin flabby body wireless no longer. Such situations, the husband easy to feel life tedious, lift not "sex" colorless. This couple must learn how to use innovative way to adjust to enrich couples sex life, to rediscover the feeling of love, such as women can often change clothes style keep image ever new, try to use the husband favorite perfume etc. Or occasionally play some similar "role-playing game, with a kind of brand-new attitude in each other, promote front appeared with exchange, to keep interactive newness of husbands and wives.

Solution: increase "new interest", make love griselda.

Male menopause - libido decline period

Men after entering menopause, temper is becomes short-tempered anxiety, part of the male will appear libido reduce, erectile capability decline, will think no sexual ability. Appear such circumstance, should first make a change on in life, 50-year-old age, and never came again, that as their 20s and 30s who work hard all day, day and night, along with the physical limitations should adjust working content or life goals. At the same time, it should have a healthy diet and exercise. Studies show that sports can raise testicular ketone level. In life, and his wife, maintain good communication, keep the close relationship, facing the empty nest period, the husband and wife should redesign two world. His wife then should also pay more attention to her husband's body healthy, the husband feel your care and love.

Solution: good communication, mutual understanding.

ED and systemic chronic disease has close ties to the "lips death and teeth cold". ED has the meaning, and with the physical and mental health of the individual. As men's health crisis warning signals, for the emergence of ED should be given due attention and intervention, otherwise will only buried greater health hazard.


