
Is no erectile the symptoms of ED?

Is no erectile the symptoms of ED?
Some men blindly think reproductive organs cannot erect is, "give yourself the kidney strong sun heal," abuse drugs. According to a famous health site 2618 name for the survey shows that only 26 percent of people will actively consult your doctor.
By experts to worry that this phenomenon is the practice of assorted give yourself not advisable. The drug on the market, the good and evil people mixed up aphrodisiac unidentified sources added ingredient of aphrodisiac, if be suffering from coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke without authorization, who took will cause myocardial infarction and even death, these drugs must be under the guidance of doctors use.
ZhongWeiDe doctors say, some aphrodisiac thering is no lack of the role of psychological suggestion. They once did an experiment, let ED patients take vitamin C tablets, but told they is ED drug treatment, get feedback is really played a role.

