
Is sexual tension a illness?

Is sexual tension a illness?   

A normal adult man or woman, they are less intense sexual stimulation, just can't help to appear sexual desire, produce sexual excitement, accumulated to a certain degree, will be eager to sexual contact, to ensure the sexual energy released, make body and mind relax. This kind of seeing, hearing, touch or people sexual fantasy trigger state of mind, namely called "sexual tension".

Human sexual tension reaction is biological, social factors synergy of the product. From the vertical look, the person's whole life in adolescence sex mature man after the strongest reaction sexual tension; most frequent Woman in the thirties, sexual tension gradually strengthened reach sexual peak reaction. From horizontal look, man sexual development and mature, testicular and affiliated gonad continuously produce sperm, manufacturing seminal plasma, when filled with vasectomy when within the tao semen, can produce a each bilge full feeling and a strong discharge desire, sexual tension obvious response to heighten. Women usually in the middle of the menstrual cycle follicular mature, oestrogen levels rise, vestibular big gland and vaginal secrete exuberant oviposit period, sexual tension, and reacted strongly to achieve orgasm.

Sexual tension reaction by both the influence of social environment and the personal qualities, ideological and ethical constraints. Quality is poor, weak will, legality, the surrounding environment of sexual stimulation easy generation is strong sexual tension reaction, may cause certain sexual deviant behavior occurs. Judicial practice has proved, the summer people clothes were so thin, body naked, strong, sexy sexual harassment, adultery, rape crime cases of sexual sin, pornography and porn sites, is often arouse sexual tension reaction, make some key stimulation to sudden sexual impulse control, thus unreasoning sprouting doesn't conform to social moral ideas, feelings, and even make the pursuit.

The ultimate sexual tension way is to anger, is the sexual energy release. But human sexuality and other such as appetite, etc, have apparent desire instinct compared different features. After the social civilization and culture of human nervous condition, can control for that reason ably, when environment does not allow its catharsis, can longer delay release, or in other social goals while on the source of creation, sublimates for.


