
Measuring a measure: why your sex always failure?

Measuring a measure: why your sex always failure?

Not every couple in sex can be like a duck to water. The author in after years of research, summarized a set of self-test problem, can help women find cause sex problem: fail

1. You tried sex, but never successful insertion?

Is -- continue to answer: because partners can't achieve or cannot maintain erection? If "yes", should first doctor, understand the man exists erectile problems. It is worth noting, young companion insertion problem with women often concerned.

No -- continue to answer: have you ever been the idea of sexual intercourse inevitable pain touching each other was so frightened that when you yelling or back out in horror, or legs tightly together? If "yes", should consider the two layers of problems: one is to insert strong psychological fear; 2 it is in actual sex process, because muscle spasm cause narrow) closed. Often these for sexual ignorance or from the subconscious mind anxiety, also may be early traumatic experience consequences. Need to accept sexual psychological counselling, you will get to know the sex will not associated with pain, slowly no longer refuse to touch and sex, eliminate colpospasm reflex sexual response.

2. If no early traumatic experience, of your concerns because they had never had sex, so think it inevitable pain?

Is -- continue to answer: you used health mouth? If "yes", explain does not exist psychological fear.

No - you for your body remains unknown, should learn to touch her body.

3. If ever had sexual experience, which was due to the past sexual pain, so afraid, nervous?

Is -- continue to answer: in the past month have had sexual pain? If "yes", all the factors that cause pain is temporary and can hardly get treatment, suggest active seek medical advice.

No -- the answer the next question.

4. Pain occurred in postmenopausal?

Is -- postmenopausal, vaginal natural is secreted decrease, dry can cause pain. Hormone replacement therapy to be a safe and effective to solve this problem, still can prevent osteoporosis. Suggest using water, without any chemical composition lubricant.

No -- if not postmenopausal, should first learn how to relax, recognize the pain caused by itself will not sex, the situation will improve gradually.

5. If no sexual pain history, sexual fantasies, whether can you focus on the female body rather than men?

Is -- refer to the related "sexual orientation" argument.

No -- continue to answer: you always have special sensitivity to pain, such as injection? Not? If "yes", like acrophobia like you too much fear pain, fear of causing to sex, need doctors insert help.

6. You fear, could not even touch genital careful cleaning?

Is -- some women suffer negative influence of education, think genital very dirty, touch is dirty and dangerous. To eliminate the fear facing during intercourse, must first understand oneself body, through the proper training, such as the progressive masturbation, will find haven't had any physical problems, and realize the sex of fine.


