
Search the etiology of ED for male

Search the etiology of ED for male One, the characteristics of the opened: if the congenital malformation, scrotal edema, testicular fibrosis, etc. Second, male impotence causes neurological: muscle paralysis shrinkage, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease and spinal tumors, multiple spinal cord sclerosis etc brain, spinal cord lesions, circumstance, neuropathy can contrast degree cause impotence happen. Three, endocrine system lesions: pituitary damage, pituitary performance down syndrome, diabetes, thyroid performance KeXingShi syndrome hyperthyroidism, are the common diseases caused by impotence. Excepted, and thyroid performance degradation disease, cranial pharynx of article, inhibits the disease, YouZhiBing, without GaoBi breast meat hematic disease, oral estrogen, feminine mesenchymal cells spermary tumor, etc. Four, genitourinary system lesions: male urological diseases and reproductive organs, such as impotence relationship is very intimacy bladder removed, the prostate gland, perineal type penis sponge body scleroma disease, the foreskin, prostatitis, urethritis, malignant disease, cryptorchidism was cryptorchidism was developed. Five, the male impotence reason is the blood system disease Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, sickle cell anemia, malign anaemia. Six, pollution: scrotal elephant skin is swollen, reproductive system tuberculosis, gonorrhea, popular sex mumps, the penis skin pollution, etc. Seven, male impotence is due vasculopathy: arteritis, lipoma, arteriosclerosis, abdomen since artery bifurcate thrombus block. Eight, the couple a standoff: unique the number of sexual impotence, kick the standoff with marital relations with straight relationship. Husband and wife have different worry, not a pair, lack of emotional exchange, mutual trust, and not as to produce between bad feeling, precise anaerobic standoff cause relationships, affecting the erectile tissue of the penis. Nine, mental PuJian, according to build person: with impotence in the higher percentage, intellectuals, who were less physical build. This is because the brain makes more physical build is apt to cardiovascular and diabetes. Except the high degree by tending, ordinary fast-paced, competition is intense, pressure was big, easy to produce psychological barriers, and for the sunrise, stopped work at sunset physical build speakers, this aspect of the disease is less. Ten, male impotence reason tobacco addiction: perennial smoking can cause penile small artery spasm, happen and the impotence blood shortcomings. Perennial alcoholics, affecting impaired liver performance hormones, and slow alcohol poisoning patients at the end of the vessels and nerves also subject to contrast degree of damage. Eleven, male impotence reason perennial taking some medicine: perennial atenolol, calm agent also can cause impotence. Twelve, other aspects: liver cirrhosis, slow renal performance debilitating.

