
Ten you do not desire to cause.

Ten you do not desire to cause.

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No sex?This may be compared with "no appetite" is more troubling.According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on March 31, but now the problem appears low sexual desire more and more people in the UK alone, there are more than 200 million men, more than 100 million women so a doctor.To this end, the newspaper invited experts summed up the daily life, will affect male libido 10 "invisible killer.

1.Too fine food.Eat too much pasta and other fine carbohydrates, blood sugar will rise rapidly, leading to increased estrogen, decreased testosterone, which would weaken sexual desire.
2.Cold medicine.Some ingredients in some cold medicine, for example, but his sensitivity, pseudoephedrine will be influenced by sexual desire, leading to ED (erectile dysfunction), may also lead to problems with male ejaculation.

3.Belly.Apple thickening waist size, sex hormone secreted by the liver will reduce the direct impact on male sexuality.
4.Hair dye.Study found that long-term use hair dye, hair tonic and other chemical agents, make men hard to reach orgasm.
5.Iron deficiency.Iron deficiency can cause decreased blood flow to the body, body weakness, leading to sex when the powerless.Not only can improve iron deficiency more than steak, but also of vitamin B and zinc.

6.Antihypertensive drugs.Antihypertensive drugs can reduce heart rate and blood flow, leading to organ insufficiency, decreased sexual desire, leading to ED.
7.To lose weight too fast.Rapid weight loss can interfere with hormonal balance, resulting in decreased libido, and even bring disaster to children.
8.To make humans.Many people who urgently want to have children do not realize that games machines made tremendous pressure on people, so that men have sexual anxiety.

9.Depression.Depression, anxiety no interest will be people on the sex, and even lead to divorce.
10.Diabetes.Diabetes not only causes nerve damage, worse touch, it will result in 50% of male patients and decreased ED and testosterone problems.

