
Fat men are tended to get ED?

Fat men are tended to get ED?
The harvard school of public health institutions conducted a study found: compared with slender, posture bloated individuals more prone to sexual dysfunction. They had studied 2000 51 to 58 years of middle-aged, one third of them is being different degree erectile dysfunction (hereinafter referred to as ED) problems. And these people waistline achieve 42 inches people suffer from erectile dysfunction of possibilities is waistline 32 inches double.
The researchers think the test may indicate that our life habits and sexual dysfunction of the close relationship between. Cardiovascular disease and ED have strikingly similar pathogenic factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. And weight and obesity and associated with fat metabolism. But it is still not clear if take measures to control weight, whether can restore erectile function.
At present, the most effective drug treatment of ED is "viagra", it can help 70 to 80 percent of the patients. Some local drug is also waiting for government approval.

