
Know something about ED

Know something about ED

Starts from the development of primary impotence who happened impotence said. Cause impotence for many reasons, except for some of the reproductive system is caused, most is the qualitative change of heart rational and physical sex, men over the age of 50, majority is sex appeared impotence of degenerative change. Regardless of the type of sexual intercourse, all cannot complete impotence therefore often led to male sexual excited and mental changes, inevitably affect couples, and influence, even involved in law, so must be cautious. Diagnostic impotence

Impotence, spermatorrhea beard and distinguish such sexual dysfunction, the general first after treatment -- watch -- diagnosis step three, a simple test introduces here in the night's sleep, inspection, with a paper round a week and cement around the penis woke early the next day, after examination paper circle, if rupture, whether fracture that sleep is a penis had erectile cannot, of course, diagnosis impotence, if links more accurate measurement instrument be penis.


