
Investigated the etiology of all kinds of impotence etiology

Investigated the etiology of all kinds of impotence etiology 

Impotence is divided into primary and secondary, primary impotence in second period before sexual function, drop, or by times also cannot penis into person; Secondary impotence is by former had normal sexual life, but later erections occurred disabilities. Still others, only in a backlog of cases to deelop impotence. Occasionally temporary penis cannot erect in fatigue, the mood restless, alcohol, etc. According to impotence and can be divided into spiritual causes impotence and organic impotence.

Spiritual impotence mainly due to the nervous system function change and cause impotence, (1) in sexual development process had mental trauma; Lack of sex correct understanding; (2) the mental strain, anxiety, depression, lack of confidence or fear; (2) the relationship between husband and wife not harmonious, lost love each other; (4), due to a physical fatigue caused debilitating advanced nerve activity dysfunction, which led to the impotent; (5) had frequency or long-term sex can kick, may also cause sexual central nervous system disorders, by too much excited turn to restrain, and appear impotent; 7 because of his drinking, smoking, medication caused by such factors as advanced nerve activity suppression, also can make men appear impotent; 7 at the spouses long illness, death, or after divorce long-term no sex, also can appear impotence.

The etiology of organic impotence: (1) the reproductive organs disease: the penis congenital malformation, small penis, hypospadias, tumor or tuberculosis, etc. (2) the systemic disease: cardiopulmonary function is not complete, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, serious neurasthenia, vascular diseases, etc. (3) drugs: a diuretic, hormonal, treating mental illnesses drugs.

Spiritual impotence performance: (1) by mental factors, more like feeling cold, fear, anxiety and fatigue. (2) the selective or intermittent, can be changed objects of different spouse or because of the environmental changes. (3) reaction ability with sexual desire. (4) blood testosterone normal or low.

Performance: (1) the organic impotence happens at suffering from heart, lungs, liver, kidney and other vital organs diseases or by endocrine diseases impact or for drug poisoning. (2) Yang is ongoing spasm aggravating, do not suffer a spouse or environmental changes. (3) the sexual appetite decrease or sexy disappear. (4) blood drop in testosterone leels.


