
Snack and carcinogenic levels of radiation the same

Snack and carcinogenic levels of radiation the same
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Corruption will make snacking and radiation susceptibility to
cancer.This is because, the body's genetic material synthesis and
repair of--DNA need for folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin
c, vitamin e and other nutrients, if the lack of these nutrients can
cause DNA damage cannot be repaired, the consequences of radiation
damage brought about by a very similar, so do health must be little
snack before work.

Focus on vitamins, mainly because it is able to prevent scurvy,
beriberi and other micronutrient deficiencies.In recent years found
that vitamins also has an important role in cancer prevention.Many
surveys prove, and compared to the good people of nutrition, lack of
vitamin a, vitamin B2, vitamin c, vitamin e were more likely to suffer
from cancer, including lung cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer,
cervical cancer, etc.
Daily vitamin requirements of the human body is very small, cannot
rely on the appetite to vitamin deficiencies.As the richness of the
acceleration of the pace of work and food, is prone to lack of
vitamins in your life.This is because most of the snacks, cookies,
potato chips, candy, chocolate, sweet drinks and convenience food
contained very little vitamin.However, many have no time to eat
breakfast before going to work, cookies make do in the morning, at
noon to eat instant noodles, to freeze the address at night; snacks
when hunger, thirsty to turn to the sweet drink, is bound to cause
vitamin deficiency conditions.Especially the brain workers, consuming
vitamins more, require more attention to replenish.

Moldy peanuts to eat--aflatoxin is a cause of gastric cancer, liver
cancer, esophagus cancer culprits, it is made of stale food, Director
of Aspergillus flavus in peanut.So, moldy food, peanuts do not eat.
Many people are afraid of pigment from pollution, fear, fear of
radiation, but do not know the food choices also contribute to the
important cause of cancer.Unsanitary food to disease and suffering of
the people is easy to see, food of nutritional imbalance also gives
rise to disease and suffering, because the pathogenic process slow,
however, tends to be ignored.

In foods, vegetables, fruit, potatoes, beans, and cereal crops are an
important source of vitamins.These micronutrients in foodstuffs for
antioxidant nutrients, the human body in the "radical" has a clear
effect, to protect DNA from damage.Free radicals from chemicals, Sun,
and even breathe oxygen generated every day, if there is no protection
of a variety of antioxidant nutrients, they will harm the body, just
like oxygen makes no coating of iron rust.
Vitamin additive does not completely replace natural vitamins in the
food supply.Because vitamin only in natural foods and other healthy
ingredients together, can play the most effective preventive
role.Survey data has long proved that people who rarely eat
vegetables, fruit and legumes is much greater risk of contracting
cancer.After a large snack and convenience food, cannot afford to even
vitamin tablets and health effects of eating natural food.

To improve the diet, you should stay away from those food of poor
nutritional balance, often their own hands, potatoes of cooking fresh
vegetables, cereal crops, eating fruits after meals and dried fruit,
beans and bean products instead of meat.Not only is the road to cancer
prevention, is also a long road to health.

