
Be careful to use "second attack" for men in sex

Be careful to use "second attack" for men in sex

Most men think that repeat in sexual intercourse for one-time life number is strong performance. But for many introduction male "second attack" method, is actually a misunderstanding.

Young people because of body, the function is strong period, they shouldn't period is relatively short. So when young most people can repeat many sexual intercourse, and that's a fact. But in addition to the body, another decision factors should not be an important factor is the length of the period of sexual intercourse quality, also according to the next day after intercourse, can I know whether intercourse reaction excessive.

Fundamentally, intercourse is actually a personality energy "release" process. Sexual intercourse time short, poor quality, the body of the accumulation of sex urges energy and didn't get completely "release", the body is "remaining" energy will discharge of demand. So, right now should not period is relatively short; And in sexual intercourse time long, high quality of sex, as the accumulation of sexual impulse energy has been satisfied and complete "release", the body will have no sexual intercourse again needs. Now need most is sexual system to rest, recuperate. So, right now should not be a relatively long period.

Male peculiar should not period is the body for benefit at sex system function recovery and a "temporarily shut down" sexual system "protection programs". In should not period forcibly increase sexual stimulation, forcing myself again sexual intercourse is to make sex system overload. It is not good for sex in the system restore, go down for a long time and it's easy to create sexual damage, sexual dysfunction.


