
No "sex" marriage, where is the way to get out?

No "sex" marriage, where is the way to get out?

Wife: I'm 34 years old, sir 36 years. We get married for eight years, sir sex has not been very enthusiastic. Start I still feel pity, then you get used to it. These two years, the frequency of our sex more low, recent twice unsuccessful also. Now, we're going to have sex, not half day, seems to have sex I have not a lot of damage. I still love her husband, also don't think life is how sorry I state is also very wrong?

Husband: recently because of my sex are twice the failure, I'm afraid to fail, have been avoided. I am sorry, but heart has wife didn't so grumbled. I don't know is busy working and child care overworked, made her also lost sex, or she attend to my face deliberately repression. I want to know, how many couples in asexual marital status. If the doctor away, not to change the status quo, this kind of marriage lasts forever?

This is a typical "asexual marriage" family. To "asexual marriage", at present there is no unified definition. Generally believe that the couple has no body health factors, or not because the two sides separation, but the month-long no tacit understanding of sex, above is "asexual marriage". A survey shows: in China married or cohabiting men and women, each month one-time life are no man more than 1/4, recent year one-time life are not accounted for six. 2%. Visible "asexual marriage" or very frequent.

This is the result of the reasons can be roughly divided into two kinds, one kind is "have no ability" libido, another kind is the "ability but no desire. The former general is husband and wife one side or both sides sexual dysfunction or organic disease; The latter is usually due to pressure or some psychological factors leading to the sexual appetite decrease, disappear, or no sexual consciousness.

In "asexual couples", because China's women's implicative and social ideas for her husband and other reasons, accused of can't have too often. If the problem in yourself, then very remorse and pain, even bear husband outer whoring after the pleasure. For men, the sexual needs degree often than women, unless it is their reason is caused, otherwise often show helpless and dissatisfaction, this often happens also resulted in the direct reason for extramarital affairs.

Generally have organic problem, often married couples will soon be to hospital. And those psychogenic ED (erectile dysfunction) or the sexual appetite decrease patients, no more than one-fifth of went. Main reason lies in our country people's attitude toward sex on a problem that sex is not a disease, so don't need to see a doctor.

Marital sex problems are not terrible, terrible is no consciousness to change the situation. No sex will not produce "obvious" in marital problems, but can lead to exchange reduce, distance apart and be fulfilled and party have often been divorce fuse quarrel even. Therefore, if there was "asexual" state, will be positive change that situation. From "asexual" first of the reasons for the start, clear is what caused the "asexual", the main problem is side? Is organic problems or psychological factors? Whether for sexual attitudes and ideas is not true? Also note that whether the tendency of homosexuality either. According to the conclusion, undertake specific counselling or treatment.

This case is at the peak age wife, but due to sex without sex, long-term physiological and the psychological demand decline, gradually appeared sex apathy signs. Husband itself, not strong sex twice more make him poor erection of sexual desire gave up. Fortunately husband realized the problem, hope to have a solution. Advice to male outpatient clinics husband first night, excluding erectile experiment of organic ED may. If simple psychological factors is the pressure caused by the ED, to relieve stress, change of cognition and psychological therapy, erectile function is expected to recover. In enhanced confidence, then through certain sexual skills, to soothe signs already appear sex apathy, believe the wife is at the peak year ridge sex can respond wife, in order to promote the couples. From the point of view, the wife to the husband appear ED, cannot pretend doesn't matter or felt her incompetence, should promptly communicate and comfort with her husband, avoid aggravating husband ideological baggage and make the disease.


